Must a property manager accept a tenant's emotional support animal, and under what conditions? What proof can a property manager or landlord require of a tenant who claims a need for an emotional support animal? What about homeowners associations—must accommodation be made in these communities?


Format: Online

Hours: 4

Credits: 0.4 CEUs

When: Start Anytime

Cost: $29

This course explores the issues and options for landlords and property managers surrounding assistance animals, helping real estate professionals who represent them to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to housing in compliance with the law.

Course highlights include:

  • The evolving fair housing law
  • How the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act intersect--and don't
  • Types of assistance animals
  • How to handle reasonable requests for accommodation
  • Case studies and legal trends
  • Examples and scenarios to help apply course content to real life

Course Information

Course Date Info: 

Start Anytime

Course format: 


Course Fee(s): 
