Expand your professional growth opportunities in the sports field industry.

Study at home to master up-to-date turfgrass management practices and procedures that are best suited for the sports field industry. 

Developed by the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education, the Sports Turfgrass Management Certificate coursegives you up-to-date information on how to establish and care for sports fields.


Format: Distance

Hours: 140

Credits: 14 CEUs

When: Start Anytime

Cost: $359 - $419

The course covers all the fundamentals of turfgrass management for all types of sports turf, from little league fields to golf courses. The course also explains what grasses work best for different sports and regions. 

Upon completion of the course, you will understand the principles of warm- and cool-season turfgrass establishment, growth, maintenance, and troubleshooting. You’ll know the answers to the questions you have about sports turf, such as:

  • What turfgrass is best suited for a golf course, a soccer field, or a baseball field in your area?
  • How are these grasses established?
  • What types of fertilizers should be used, when, and how much should be applied?
  • What pests can be expected?  How can they be identified and controlled?

Build your industry expertise at home.
You’ll have an easy-to-read, illustrated study guide with color-plates of various weeds, insects, and diseases. The guide leads you through the course and also provides timely information on special concerns like pesticide safety, integrated pest management, advertising, and customer relations. The study guide is also a great reference tool after you've completed the course.

There are 16 Chapters for Sports Turfgrass Management.

  1. Turfgrass Growth, Development and Physiology
  2. Turfgrass Identification, Adaptation, and Use
  3. Basic Soils
  4. Establishment
  5. Fertilization
  6. Mowing
  7. Water Management and Irrigation
  8. Sports Turf Cultivation
  9. Weeds
  10. Insects
  11. Diseases
  12. Pesticides
  13. Sports Field Construction and Renovation
  14. Special Sports Field Management Practices
  15. Diagnosing Common Sports Turf Problems
  16. Turfgrass and the Environment under Learning Objectives

Who Should Attend?

The course is designed for all industry professionals, including those affiliated with

  • Athletic fields
  • Golf courses
  • Public parks and recreation areas
  • School grounds
  • Cemeteries
  • Pest control companies
  • Anyone wanting to learn more about managing sports turf 

Course Information

Course Number: 


Course Date Info: 

Enroll anytime. You have up to 12 months from your initial enrollment date to complete the course. A six-month extension can be granted for a nominal fee.

Course Format:
Distance (Print-Based)

Course Fee(s): 

$389 — SFMA Members, US Military*
$419 — Non-Members
$379 — 2-7 from same organization
$359 — 8 or more from same organization

*To receive the military discount, you must be

  • currently serving in, or retired from, a qualifying branch of the Armed Services and have a valid military ID card.
  • a veteran who receives VA benefits and has a valid Veteran Identification Card (VIC).
  • a veteran who served honorably and who presents a valid DD-214 Form or other proof of service.

**In order to qualify for the group discounts, all participants must enroll at the same time. Please call us at (706) 542-3537 for group registrations.

Add $200 per enrollment — Shipping and handling outside U.S.

(payable in U.S. dollars; association membership will be verified)

Prices are subject to change.

Additional Fees: 
This course is complete, and includes one attempt at each of two proctored exams. Students are responsible for locating a suitable facility and scheduling the exams. Students are also responsible for paying any fees assessed by testing centers/proctors. 

If the student does not successfully complete the exam on the first attempt, he/she may attempt the exam up to two more times. There will be an administrative fee of $30 for each exam attempt after the first.

If a student is unable to complete the course within the twelve months allotted time, he/she may file for a six-month extension for a fee of $50.

Cancellation/Refund Policy:
If for any reason you need to cancel or reschedule your participation in Sports Turfgrass Management, please contact The University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education at student@georgiacenter.uga.edu or 706-542-3537 within thirty days of registration. We will issue a refund (minus a $75 administrative fee) once we receive your returned materials.

Keith J. KarnokKeith J. Karnok, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Agronomy at the University of Georgia (retired), is the project developer, editor, and author of the course. Dr. Karnok has more than 30 years of experience with both warm- and cool-season turfgrasses; has authored more than 250 publications in turfgrass management; and is a frequent speaker at regional, national, and international turfgrass seminars, workshops, and conferences. He is a member of the International Turfgrass Society, the American Society of Agronomy (Fellow), the Crop Science Society of America (Fellow), the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, and the National Association of Landscape Professionals.

Gil W. Landry, Jr.Gil W. Landry, Jr., Ph.D., is a professor of turfgrass management and the coordinator for the Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture at the University of Georgia. He is also a past president of the Sports Turf Managers Association. Since 1979, he has been responsible for the development and implementation of UGA’s statewide Extension Turfgrass Management educational programming. A frequent turfgrass science author and conference presenter, Landry is a member of many professional associations, including the International Turfgrass Society, the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and STMA.

Bert McCartyBert McCarty, Ph.D., is a professor of horticulture at Clemson University, specializing in turfgrass management with emphasis on weed control and growth regulators. He is author and coauthor of more than 300 publications. McCarty is a member of several professional associations related to turfgrass management.

Timothy R. MurphyTimothy R. Murphy, Ph.D., professor (retired) of weed science at the University of Georgia, was involved in research, teaching, and outreach educational programs. He has authored and coauthored numerous books and articles related to turfgrass weed science. Murphy is a member of many professional green industry organizations.