Students taking tests

The best test strategy is practice

The University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education offers its expertise in instruction to get you ready for the ACT and SAT as you prepare for college. This no cost, one hour workshop introduces you to both tests, so you can get a feel for their similarities and differences. Guided practice through sample questions and learning several best approaches to these tests fully prepares you for test day. Ease your jitters through this introductory workshop. We know you have questions. We have answers for you. Our expert instructor can take the sting out of test taking, so you can dedicate your energy to other college prep activities. Let’s tackle this hurdle together.

Course Date Info:

ACT/SAT Online Workshop – Register Now
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

ACT/SAT Online Workshop – Register Now
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.



Who Should Attend: 

High school students beginning their journey of collegiate aspirations can greatly benefit from this course. Any student planning to take the ACT or SAT admission tests for the first time or trying to earn a higher score than a previously attempt can gain strategic test-taking tips from the course. It’s just one hour to gain the confidence boost you need on testing day.

Registration Information: 

Preregistration is required for those interested in the synchronous online format.